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iFly Sydney

WHO CAN FLY?Flyers of All AgesSo can anyone you'd like to bring with you. We offer a safe, fun, and overall awesome experience for all flyersFlyers can be as young as 3 years old.Ages 17 and below need a parent or guardian to sign their waiver.There is no upper age limit to fly. Even people over 100 have flown with iFLY!iFLY is a fully inclusive and accessible activity, suitable for all-abilities. CLOTHINGWear casual, comfortable clothes, anything you'd wear on a normal day. We recommend lace-up, closed-toe shoes.No need to change once you get here, you'll put on your flight suit on top of what you wear to the tunnel.Please remove loose-hanging items, such as earrings, necklaces, bracelets, watches, rings, and hair accessories.Also, you should remove everything from your pockets prior to flying.ARRIVALShow up at your scheduled arrival time, and head to a check-in kiosk. When you enter, you'll find an associate ready to help or answer any questions.Make sure your flight waiver is filled out when you check in.Once your check-in is complete, a member of our Flight Crew will give you your wristband and provide further direction.THE EXPERIENCEYour entire iFLY experience will last over an hour and the time does tend to fly! Your session will include a brief orientation with coaching from a highly trained flight instructor, plus your time in the air.Each flyer in your group flies two times.Want more time in the air? You'll have the option to purchase additional flights.SAFETYFlying is Safe and Fun for EveryoneSafety is the most important part of a great flight experience. So when you fly, we'll be right by your side guiding your movement. All our instructors have trained long and hard to make sure you fly safe and have the time of your life.To prevent dangerous wind speeds, participants must weigh less than 136kgWomen who are pregnant should not fly.People with recent back, neck, and heart issues should check with a doctor before flying.iFLY recommends that anyone with prior shoulder dislocations should not fly.

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